The Indianapolis Zoo is making a major commitment to the future of chimpanzees, and a generous gift supports that vision. The Penny & Jock Fortune International Chimpanzee Complex presented by Central Indiana Honda Dealers opens Memorial Day weekend and is among the largest chimpanzee habitats in the country. The Fortune Complex is named for longtime supporters Penny and Russell “Jock” Fortune whose contribution to the Zoo’s Capital Campaign makes this unique experience possible for Zoo visitors.
“Chimpanzees, like all great apes, are at risk of extinction around the world. The Fortunes’ inspiring gift makes it possible to teach generations about the importance of preserving these remarkable apes,” said Dr. Robert Shumaker, Indianapolis Zoo President & CEO.
The Fortune International Chimpanzee Complex is a unique exhibit that spans a large portion of the Zoo’s grounds. It features three indoor and outdoor living spaces connected by a quarter mile of overhead trail, allowing chimpanzees to make choices about where they go, what they do and who they do it with. When the exhibit opens Memorial Day Weekend, the Fortune Complex will be home to a community of 21 chimpanzees.
“My late wife, Penny, was dedicated to serving her community. She adored chimpanzees, and I am grateful for the opportunity to honor her life by sharing this engaging experience with the community for years to come,” said Jock Fortune.
The Zoo’s Capital Campaign for Our Zoo, Our Community, Our World was launched in December 2022 to fund major updates, including the Zoo’s newly opened entrance experience through White River Gardens. The Campaign includes support from many generous donors, including the Lilly Endowment, Inc.
The Zoo recognizes the lead donors to the Campaign.
The Ackerman Foundation
Mike & Amy Alley
Anonymous (2)
Elaine & Eric Bedel
Steven S. Cagle
Stanley & Allison Chen
The Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation
The Alan & Linda Cohen Family Foundation
Cheri & Rollin Dick
Dorsey Foundation
Mark W. Everson
Penny & Jock Fortune
The Family of Dan & Rhonda Hall
The Harlan/Shriver Families
Al & Kathy Hubbard
Indianapolis Colts, Inc.
Kay F. Koch
Lilly Endowment Inc.
The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
Steve & Jane Marmon
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Myrta J. Pulliam
Rick and April Sasso Family
Ronda Shrewsbury
Deborah J. Simon
The Herbert & Bui Simon Foundation
The Solso Family
Opening weekend will feature up-close encounters with this vibrant chimpanzee community. Visitors can learn first-hand about these great apes and the challenges they face in the wild. Visit IndianapolisZoo.com for tickets.
Photo by Alliy Moyer